Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Standish Foodstore - Public Consultation

This consultaion is now closed.  Please telephone for further information 
MAZE Planning Solutions has today set out proposals for the future of The Chadwick Family’s land and property at High Street, Standish.  The area is to be redeveloped to provide a new foodstore on the edge of the town centre, providing a significant boost to the town’s retail facilities.

Before any formal planning application is made MAZE Planning Solutions is conducting a period of public consultation. 
From today and until Friday 22 March details of the development and consultation feedback forms will be available on request from MAZE and can be accessed following the links at the end of this article.

There will be an open day held at Standish Methodist Church, High Street on 19 March (2pm-8pm) where the development team will be available to explain the scheme and answer questions.      

The proposed development is comprised of a purpose built foodsore fronting High Street in the Standish Conservation Area, providing a building of 2,330 sq.m gross floorspace (25,028 sq.ft), together with parking for 150 cars and a new access junction on to High Street, replacing all existing buildings and access arrangements.

Andrew Watt of MAZE Planning Solutions said:

“The Chadwick Family has a very long association with Standish, initially as farmers and latterly as butchers and retailers, and all within 200 metres of the present High Street site.  The family’s forward looking proposals will create a modern retail business that will give the residents of Standish and the surrounding rural communities a great opportunity to carry out their day‑to‑day food shopping locally. 

We’ve been in discussion with officers of Wigan Council about the future of the Chadwick’s site for several months, to make sure the scale and design of the proposed foodstore are right for the town and its Conservation Area.  During that time the design team has undertaken a wide range of investigations looking at traffic, ecology, noise, retailing and heritage issues to name a few, and we think the scheme is now ready to share with a wider audience before a planning application is submitted.

The site is already a familiar destination for Standish’s shoppers who visit the food emporium and restaurant.  It is perfectly positioned to provide a new foodstore with free short­­‑stay parking that can also serve established shops and services in the town centre.

There’s also great potential to encourage use of the site as a new ‘Park and Walk’ location for Wood Fold School, intercepting school‑bound traffic arriving from the East along the A49 so it doesn’t have to pass through the town centre at peak periods.  It’s any easy walk from the site to school on level footpaths that are off the main road.

We’re asking for feedback on the proposed development before we settle on a scheme and submit a planning application to Wigan Council.  As it stands we think the site can accommodate a building of 2,330 square metres gross (25,082 square feet), served by 150 space car park.  That would translate into a shop with a sales area of about 1,400 square metres (15,070 square feet).”    

The public consultation runs until 5pm, Friday 22 March